Sunday, February 18, marked the beginning of the Year of the Pig *oink* =) According to the cycle of elements, it is the year of the Fire Pig and digging even deeper into the mambo sauce and Chinese folklore, it is the year of the Golden Pig, which occurs once every 600 years and brings prosperity for those fortunate enough to be born in that year [slight narrative detour: to bring home some bacon, here's a a good get-rich-not-so-quick scheme (audience boos) pork your lover like Bridget Moynahan, make a little baby destined to be rich who will grow up and take care of you in your old, decrepit state or pay a hot nurse or murse to change your Depends and pour you prune juice, but before that happens, sue the baby daddy and take his hard-earned money to fund your Louis-Vuitton diaper bag, carefree lifestyle complete with your very own nanny, Hercedes Benz, new boobs and lipo for post-pregnancy body. No one wants to go the Anna Nicole Smith route with the yucky octogenarian and his cabinet full of Cialis. 401 K plans are for losers!].
*whew what a digression* The year of the Golden Pig! Bad year for Muslims and Heebs, I would suspect and a very confusing time for Chinese Muslims *there are approximately 20 million of these bammas*. (Side Story - speaking of Muslims and cute little pigs, read about the Piglet Jihad . Sooo, in case you haven't already, let the dogs out, eat an orange, dduk kook, rice cakes, black eyed peas *whatever your culture calls for* and make sure your home is clean! I figured I'd start the new year off with my very own blog! Actually, I've been contemplating starting a blog for a month since I always have something to say and I'm in love with a blogger. *insert shameless plug*
They say that the first person you meet and the first words heard are significant as to what your fortunes would be for the entire year. It's also a lucky sign to see or hear songbirds or red-colored birds or swallows. *I say that if the first person you meet happens to swallow, you can truly consider yourself LUCKY indeed . . . and pretty much bet the sweatshop that it's gonna be a great year for you!* I kicked off the Year of the Dog (2006) meeting and dancing to Lil' Wayne's "Fireman" with the aforementioned blogger *another shameless plug* This year, I saw a cardinal doing the funky chicken in Colonial Beach. WAIT! Aren't they red??? SWEET!
Thanks to Google, I was able to get some info on the Year of the Pig. This could be the year you strike oil when you're out installing that $39.99 sprinkler system in your yard, or just as probable, win the lotto *powerball jackpot is $78M with a drawing this Saturday* if you were born in: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995. If you were born in 1995 and are reading this blog, make sure you have a parent or guardian's permission before you continue reading my posts!
great success!!
'78 babies doing big things in '07
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