Just because I'm feeling a little devilish (aguagua), I thought I'd get a list together of curse words in Chamorro. Guamanians are some of the friendliest, spam-loving people in the world . . . but we have been known to have potty mouths.
If you ever find yourself in the jewel of the Marianas, you'll know what the locals are saying about you! I've also put a nifty pronounciation key just so you don't put the emPHAsis on the wrong SYLlable.
Lania (LANyeah): $hit
Basta i Malania (BAHstah ee mah-LANyeah): Stop bull$hitting
Kuxika (COCKsickAH): Focker
Kaduka (kahDOOKka) Kaduku (kah-doo-koo): Crazy
Baba (BAHba): Bad
Famakilo Pachot'mu (FAM-key-low PATCH-ot-moo): Shut up
Chilli mu (chee-LEE-moo): one-eye wonder worm
Bebe mu (behbeh-MOO): kagina
Atan baba (AHTan BAHba): Give someone the dirtiest look; Atan baba'ing someone on Guam usually ends in a beat down, involving cousins, uncles, neighborhood folks.
Kunu'yu (con-NOO dzoo): Eat me
Fokai (FUHCKeye): Beat up, Kick ass (see article below on wife beaters)
Pok pok bebe (poke poke BEHbeh): Fat kagina (aka. beef curtains)
Chada Na Nan'ya (Chad ah Nah Non Ya): Literal translation is Your mom's eggs (figurative translation is your moms is a $5 prostitute)
Leche (lehCHEE): Literally means milk, but is used for emphasis, generally in a bad way. ai leche is like ai adai.
Brodie (broDEE): Stupid (this word came to mean stupid/retarded after the Guam Public School System named the public school for all-island 'tards "Chief Brodie Memorial School")
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