Have A Rice Day!

Have A Rice Day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Word Up!!!

I had no idea growing up that Kameo's "Word Up" was go-go song. In fact, when I first moved here, I had a deep disdain for go-go music and most things native of the urrea. =) Nearly a decade in Chocolate City has changed me some. For instance. I love love love several go-go songs, including, "Sexy Lady" and "Sardines and Pork and Beans". Go-go has even hit radio stations in Nebraska with Beyonce and Amerie using go-go beats in their mainstream summer hits and Jigga's version of "Tha Overnight Scenario" getting much love from radio stations worldwide. It seems the DC Metro Urrea has put another mark on the map! I've been a subscriber of the Merriam Webster's and Urban Word of the Day Emails for some time. And this morning, the Urban Word of the Day for April 10, 2007 is (drumroll, please): BAMMA! Great success! This is a word that has become infused in my vocabulary.

Here is the definition from Urban Word of the Day.
Bamma: A general-multi used DC Metro area term used to describe a person who has no style, taste, or class. Usually this person has no idea that he/she is classified as a Bamma - rather they go about their daily lives thinking what they do, say, or wear is acceptable.

Example Sentence: That dude came to work with dress slacks and white tube socks..what a BAMMA!

For those of you who are visual learners: Here is an example of a Bamma (or three)

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