Have A Rice Day!

Have A Rice Day!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bad Week!

April 15 - April 21st should be marked as the deadliest week in American history. On April 19, 1993, David Koresh and 74 Branch Davidians died in Waco, Texas. Two years later, on April 19, 1995, 168 people died and 800 were injured in what is now known as the Oklahoma City bombing. A day and four years later on April 20, 1999, two teenage students carried out a shooting rampage, killing 12 students, wounding 24 others and committing suicide in the Columbine shootings, which until (April 16, 2007) the Virginia Tech shootings today, was known as the worst school shootings in American history. What is going on here? Do these acts have any connection to Adolf Hitler’s birthday, April 20? 4/20 is a day celebrated by many pot smokers. I always thought weed mellowed people out. Maybe all these random and senseless acts are sparked by deeply rooted feelings of disdain for the IRS or authority, in general? Who knows?!?!?! This is just sad. My prayers and condolences go to the students and their families.

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